Submission 119
Advanced British Standard Consultation
AELP Submission
AELP Response
The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the introduction of Advanced British Standard (ABS) during his speech at Conservative Party Conference in October 2023. The ABS is a new qualification framework for 16–19-year-old students to take after GCSEs, based on four key principles:
- Clearer options, bringing together ‘academic’ and ‘technical’ subjects.
- More teaching time, students will get at least 1,475 hours over two years – around 15% more than most 16-19 students currently get.
- Greater breadth, encouraging a broader range of knowledge and skills.
- A core of maths and English, with all students studying both until 18
The government is expecting the ABS to be first taught in 2030 and this consultation is the first step in the legislative process required to enable this to happen.
The Association of Employment and Learning Providers have considered the consultation document and have submitted the following responses on behalf of our members in relation to the proposals.
Advanced British Standard Consultation - Response
Submission 119
Last published: 20/03/2024