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Submission 107

AELP Summary of Funding Rules Feedback

June 2022


AELP welcomes several significant new policy changes to the draft funding rules for FY22/23.

The introduction of the new off-the-job (OTJT) baseline addresses the long-standing inequality for apprentices who had to undertake and arbitrary amount of additional OTJT time purely due to the contracted time of their employment contract.

The change to maths and English requirements for level 2 apprentices will have a positive
outcome on around 1 in 3 level 2 apprentices. AELP has long argued that the requirement of apprentices to pass level 1, work towards and attempt functional skills assessments they had little chance of passing was unnecessarily damaging for many apprentices who were previously failed by the education system.

We acknowledge the levels of engagement with policy officials in the ESFA since the publication of the draft rules to enable us to discuss areas of concern and clarification with them. For clarity and transparency, we are providing a high-level summary of the key areas of concern with suggested proposals below:

Read full response here.

Submission 107

AELP Summary of Funding Rules Feedback

Last published: 23/06/2022