Submission 104
Spring Statement 2022: Maximising Opportunities for Young People and Adults
AELP Response
Summary of Recommendations: Maximising Opportunities for Young People and Adults, 2022 Spring Statement
This submission sets up out a number of proposed areas, recognising the existing investment in the recent multi-year Spending Review settlement and is aimed at building on both the Chancellor’s Plan for Jobs and the Secretary of State for Education’s Skills for Jobs White Paper.
Now is the time for the Government to ensure we have a follow on with a suitable bold plan which supports the notion of driving employment and integration with skills, supporting individuals train, reskill or upskills and employers in filling the skills and employment gaps over the challenging years ahead. Where funding has been committed, value for money and impact is vital to ensure that more funding is spent on front line provision, with less of an institutional approach taken and a move to a demand-led market.
Spring Statement 2022: Maximising Opportunities for Young People and Adults
Submission 104