Full member benefits
We offer a range of benefits to our members including guaranteed up-to-date news and insight, added value services to strengthen your business, and lobbying to ensure your interests are represented effectively.

AELP Full members benefits include:
Model contracts
Arranged in partnership with VWV.
Conferences, events and webinars
Held monthly.
Check website for details.
These are in addition to member only webinars.
Keeping members informed and up to date with the latest major policy developments and news - available from AELP’s Sector Forums (SF) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Per member organisation
Check website for details.
Contact [email protected] for details.
Publications and resources
Countdown is AELP’s weekly e-newsletter for Members, although it is also read by a wide range of influential stakeholders and policymakers.
It keeps members up to date with everything going on across the skills and employment sector.
The Event Bulletin is a weekly roundup of AELP events and webinars.
AELP produces The Insider as a quarterly themed digest to all members.
We lobby government and undertake research to represent the interests of our members and we have successfully effected changes in skills and employability policy. We ensure our members have the latest information regarding changes in the sector to provide you with context, insight and practical guidance.
MyAELP is the AELP Membership portal - discover your AELP member only news including previous editions of Countdown and The Insider, member-only events (SIGs and SF), member-exclusive webinars and other member benefits, all in one place!
AELP’s FAQ/Policy Blog from Simon Ashworth, Director of Policy at the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP).
Ask Ashworth is a trusted resource to get practical advice and support on Further Education issues, brought to you by AELP.
AELP, working in partnership with UfI, have identified a range of no-fee resources that providers and employers can use for online delivery. So, earn Professional Development points via courses and upskill yourself today!
Worth £60 - one per member organisation.
Complimentary advertising and sponsorship opportunities
Can be used once only, during the lifetime of the membership for one month.
Discounted advertising and sponsorship opportunities
Contact us for further details at [email protected]
Discount available to AELP members - find out more here.
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Discount available to AELP members - find out more here.
Sponsor member only AELP events:
AELP’s Sector Forums (SF) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Excluding the AELP National Conference.
Engagement with AELP
Learn more about your benefits, and meet other new members.
Discuss key topics, and plan benefits usage.
Find out more here.