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Webinars on demand

How To Make Sure You Are Delivering a Great Bootcamp Provision

Skills bootcamps were introduced in 2020 to give people the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast-track career progression, particularly in sectors where there is a need to close the skills gap in the United Kingdom as a result of the disruption that coronavirus caused to job sectors and businesses and because of changing patterns in business need and customer behaviour.

This webinar will use the key judgements from the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework to examine exactly what you need to do to deliver skills bootcamps successfully at each stage of the ‘learner journey’. We will also be discussing exactly what Ofsted will want to see when they come to inspect your skills bootcamp provision and what questions they might ask you. 

AELP Webinar: How To Make Sure You Are Delivering a Great Bootcamp Provision

Webinars on demand

Last published: 08/05/2024