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Submission 108

AELP submission to the Education Select Committee Inquiry into Careers Education

March 2022

AELP Response

Executive Summary

For too long, the national careers system has been fragmented and put far too much onus onto traditional pathways into careers- usually via college and university- when we know these are far from the only good options. Vocational learning can mean you "earn while you learn"- gaining practical on-the-job experience and contacts alongside high-quality off-thejob training. Despite there being such a wide range of options- in virtually every sector and from entry-level to masters' degree equivalent, there is still unfortunately a perception that work-based learning is somehow not as useful or prestigious as academic study.

AELP believes that the system for careers education, information, advice, and guidance for young people has improved in recent years. However, more is needed to ensure that all young people have fair and equal access to high quality and impartial support to help them navigate the right options for them.

Read the full response here.

AELP submission to the Education Select Committee Inquiry into Careers Education

Submission 108

Last published: 30/06/2022