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AELP sets out response to the Labour Party General Election Manifesto 2024

AELP have today issued following statement in response to the publication of the 2024 Labour Party General Election Manifesto.

Ben Rowland, AELP Chief Executive, said:

“Achieving the key priorities that Labour has set out in its manifesto – growing the economy, fixing the NHS and enabling opportunity for all – requires a skills system fit for the future. The manifesto sets out tantalising glimpses of a serious plan to fill the country’s skills gaps, echoing the thrust of our Skills Means Growth vision for a sustainable skills system. Their promise of a comprehensive post-16 education strategy matches AELP’s long-held call for a national strategy for a national skills system that supports economic growth in every region of the country.

“We are also pleased that it has explicitly linked the work of the Migration Advisory Committee to the new Skills England body – a crucial consideration in creating a skills system that is fit for all its purposes.

“We also support Labour’s desire to guarantee training, an apprenticeship or help to work in order to bring down the disgracefully high number of young people not in education, employment or training. However, achieving this is going to require unprecedented flexibility and agility from the training provider community: given the pre-eminence of independent training providers (ITPs) when it comes to flexibility and agility, it is essential that the Labour Party enable this part of the sector to play its part.

“Similarly, employers, large and small up and down the country, choose independent training providers more often than they choose universities and FE Colleges – so we cautiously welcome Technical Excellence Colleges, but only if all types of providers can become one. Otherwise, a Labour Government risks standing accused of growing the State for its own sake rather than achieving its manifesto-articulated intent to be a “Strategic State”.

“On apprenticeships, previous proposals that specified flex for 50% of the levy do not appear in Labour’s manifesto plans for a new Skills and Growth Levy. We are pleased about this because it means the Government has avoided the (damaging) irony of limiting its own policy flexibility in relation to levy flexibility. We look forward, should they form the next Government, to continuing our productive dialogue with the Labour team and with a growing number of industry and sector bodies about how the right package of flexibilities could deliver a step change in apprenticeship attractiveness and effectiveness.

“AELP is looking forward to working closely with whoever forms the government after 4 July – and urges all political parties to continue to promote skills as a vital component of economic growth.”


The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) is a national membership body, proudly representing organisations operating in the skills sector. AELP members deliver a range of training and vocational learning – including the majority of apprenticeships as well as Skills Bootcamps, 16-19 Study Programme, Adult Education Budget and more.

For further information or interviews please contact Matt Strong, Communications Manager, AELP, on 07920 161685 or [email protected]

AELP sets out response to the Labour Party General Election Manifesto 2024

For further information or interviews please contact Matt Strong, Communications Manager, AELP, on 07920 161685 or [email protected]

Last published: 13/06/2024