AELP National Conference 2022

The AELP National Conference 2022 was a great success with over 600 delegates attending from the FE and Skills sector. Held at the Novotel London West on 27 and 28 June, our two-day flagship conference included a mix of keynote/plenary sessions and a choice of 50 workshops over the two days.
The Conference wouldn’t have been possible without our conference Sponsors including: The Skills Network - Headline Sponsor | Bud Systems - Conference App Sponsor | Skills and Education Group - Registration Sponsor | E-Learning WMB - Delegate Bag, Notepad and Pen Sponsor, workshop sponsors Education Training Foundation (ETF), Pearson and UCAS and 25 exhibitors.
Our popular Gala Evening was held at the end of day one and included a three course dinner, live entertainment from Florence Sommerville and The Jukeboxes, and guests were able to capture the memories of this evening on the photobooth courtesy of Showtime Photo Booth.
Thank you also to our Gala Evening Sponsors for their support: NOCN – Gala Dinner Sponsor, Training Qualifications UK – Pre-Dinner Drinks Sponsor and Trainsure – Gala Wine Sponsor.
If you attended the National Conference and have not yet received the post event materials, please contact the events team here.
We hoped you enjoyed the National Conference 2022 and look forward to seeing you all again in 2023!
In the meantime, for future AELP events, please click here.
AELP National Conference
AELP National Conference 2022