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Ensuring a Successful Outcome to Your Next Ofsted Full Inspection

09:30 - 12:30 on both days (11th and 12th Feb), 11/02/2025

AELP Webinar

Facilitator: Richard Moore, Richard Moore Solutions



Ofsted is currently aiming to wrap up its programme of ensuring all providers have a full inspection in the three years between September 2022 and September 2025 when they will introduce a new inspection framework. So if you haven’t been inspected since September 2022, the net is slowly closing in on you receiving a full inspection sometime in this contract or academic year.

This online workshop is for training providers, employer providers and local authorities delivering apprenticeships, skills bootcamps, ASF-funded employability training and other similar types of provision.

We will consider what at each stage of the ‘learner journey’, you most need be aware of to ensure you are well prepared for your next Ofsted inspection. Richard will draw on examples of what he considers to be best practice from the many training providers he works with as well as the experiences some of them have had of being inspected by Ofsted recently.

He will also discuss what inspectors will look for in your leadership and management and how they will evaluate your safeguarding arrangements.


This in depth interactive workshop will examine a number of key areas, including:

  • What a full Ofsted inspection will mean for you and how it will be conducted;
  • The current themes inspectors are likely to be keen to explore with you on inspections this year;
  • What being a great provider means in the context of the EIF;
  • Examples of best practice in providing high-quality education and training at each stage of the ‘learner journey’;
  • Leadership and management in the context of the EIF;
  • Ensuring you have effective management arrangements in place for safeguarding learners.


Richard Moore, Richard Moore Solutions

Richard has been delivering webinars and workshops successfully for the AELP for a number of years, focusing on how to prepare for an Ofsted inspection and on improving the quality of providers’ education and training in general. He is a former Ofsted HMI (His Majesty’s Inspector) and manager for the inspectorate with vast experience of leading Ofsted inspections. He now runs his own further education and skills consultancy business, specialising in supporting post-16 providers such as training providers, employer providers and colleges. 

Secure your place!


Member Rate £159.00 + VAT

Non Member Rate £259.00 + VAT

If you register but are unable to attend, we will send you a copy of the recording and slides after the webinar has taken place.

Ensuring a Successful Outcome to Your Next Ofsted Full Inspection

AELP Webinar

Last published: 20/12/2024