Top Tips to Help You Prepare for an Ofsted Inspection
AELP Webinar
Facilitator: Richard Moore, Richard Moore Solutions
Ofsted is expected to continue inspecting colleges and providers under the current inspection regime and the Education Inspection Framework (EIF) for another year, until September 2025.
In the 2024/25 year, the main focus will be on colleges and providers that 'require improvement' colleges that have not yet had an enhanced 'skills inspection' and new providers who have never been inspected or have had their New Provider Monitoring Visit (NPMV) and are awaiting their first full graded inspection.
However, providers currently rated as 'good' or better should not become complacent. Those that were inspected some time ago will be considered for another inspection, and others currently rated as 'good' or 'outstanding' may be risk-assessed by Ofsted for a potential inspection in the near future, regardless of when their last inspection occurred.
This webinar will offer practical tips and advice to help you prepare effectively for an inspection and present yourself in the best possible light during the actual inspection.
The webinar will be interactive, allowing delegates to contribute their own ideas and share best practices from their previous Ofsted inspection experiences.
Facilitated by
This webinar will help delegates to understand:
- How you can best prepare in advance of receiving notification from Ofsted of your inspection (including advice for colleges who will be in receipt of an enhanced skills inspection);
- What inspectors will be most interested in evaluating when they look at your provision (this will focus on apprenticeships) and the most common pitfalls for providers;
- How to develop a good working relationship with the lead inspector during the planning meeting call once your inspection is announced;
- How to ensure inspectors see the parts of your provision you are most proud of;
- What you can do between the planning meeting telephone call and the inspection itself to make sure you are ready;
- How best to represent your organisation during the inspection itself and ways in which you can react most effectively to inspectors’ emerging judgements.
Target Audience
Staff with responsibility for managing the interface between their organisation and inspectors for a possible inspection in 2024/25, including provider nominees and senior leaders and managers responsible for managing curriculum, quality and learner support.
Richard Moore, Richard Moore Solutions
Richard has been delivering webinars and workshops successfully for the AELP for a number of years, focusing on how to prepare for an Ofsted inspection and on improving the quality of providers’ education and training in general. He is a former Ofsted HMI (His Majesty’s Inspector) and manager for the inspectorate with vast experience of leading Ofsted inspections. He now runs his own further education and skills consultancy business, specialising in supporting post-16 providers such as training providers, employer providers and colleges.
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Top Tips to Help You Prepare for an Ofsted Inspection
AELP Webinar